Swapping Kerosene Lamps with Solar Lights
In an effort to reduce carbon from entering the atmosphere, we started the project of replacing kerosene lamps with solar lights. Our project started with a test of 100 homes in developing communities in western Kenya. Along with the solar lights we distributed we gave the household a survey to fill out for 30 days so we could get an idea of how much carbon our solar lights were preventing from reaching the atmosphere. The surveys were quite enlightening, as we discovered that households would burn not just kerosene but wood, clothing, cow dung and other garbage in order to have light in the evenings so children could study their schoolwork. So our solar lights are saving a great deal of carbon from entering the atmosphere.
We also realized the many other benefits of these lights. There is a danger of lung cancer when breathing in burning kerosene. As well, many home fires are started by the kerosene lamps. And because kerosene is expensive, the amount of evening light is limited, and so children cannot study as much as they need to for school. These solar lights are life-changing in many of these households.